Lutheran Parish of Northern Dutchess

Watch Pastor Jim's Sermons

United in Christ, inspired by God's Grace, we are called and empowered to share the Good News of Jesus' love for all people and to answer His call to serve.

Watch Pastor Miller's Sermons

Memorial - Rock City

Sunday Service at 8:30 AM

St. Paul's Lutheran Church

The services at Third and Memorial are canceled on February 16

for weather. The St. Paul's service will be held at 11 as usual.

Third Lutheran Church

Weekly Bible Study

Join Pastor Jim

Thursdays at 10AM

@ Third Lutheran

(Check the Calendar)

Let the Light Shine In

St. Paul's Window Project

Third - Rhinebeck

Sunday Service at 9:45 AM

Who We Are
The Lutheran Parish of Northern Dutchess is a three-point parish formed in November of 2009. The parish is comprised of three Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) congregations:

Memorial Lutheran Church

St. Paul's - Red Hook

Sunday Service at 11:00 AM

Contact Lutheran Parish of Northern Dutchess

Phone: (845) 876 - 4471
Office Hours
: Wed/Th 10AM - 3PM
Office Location
: 31 Livingston St., Rhinebeck, NY